Loan Vehicle Agreement Loan Vehicle DetailsReg No.HZW873ECE740Km out:Km in:Km used:Fuel out:Fuel in:Fuel used:WOF Expiry:Rego Expiry:WOF Expiry:Rego Expiry:Loan Vehicle Condition Prior to Loan PeriodHZW873 ECE740 More information:Vehicle left for serviceMake/Reg No:Owner:Licence No:Phone No:Loan Vehicle Terms and ConditionsTerms & Conditions(Required) I have read and agree to the Loan Vehicle Terms & Conditions(Required)The loan vehicle must only be used by the customer as detailed above, any additional drivers must be named and drivers license shown. In the event of the loan vehicle being damaged, the customer will be liable for the $1000 insurance excess. If the driver is under 25 years of age the insurance excess will be $1500. All insurance paperwork must be completed on request. Any traffic or parking infringements are the responsibility of the customer. If a mechanical problem does occur with the loan vehicle Mighty Kiwi Commercial must be informed immediately. Failure to do so could result in any additional resulting damage becoming the responsibility of the customer. Any tyre damage or punctures are to be repaired before returning the loan vehicle. The loan vehicle must be returned with the same amount of fuel in it as it was supplied with. Vehicles take either 91, 95/6 or 98 fuel. The loan vehicle is for the use within the Christchurch City limits and written permission is required for any use outside of this area. Mighty Kiwi Commercial allow customers 70km usage per day and any additional may be charged at $1.56 per km. Pets or smoking are not permitted in the loan vehicle at any time. If there is any evidence of this the vehicle will be sent for a commercial interior groom and deodorizing at the cost of $180. The loan vehicle must be returned immediately upon request.Signature(Required)